Gadgets and Technology

Gadgets and Technology on a humanist perspective.

Given the current situation where people are instantaneously killed, well, several thousands of them, at the height of this current administration's war on drugs, it is paramount for parents to keep track of their children whenever possible. 

With the pace of technological breakthroughs that are being introduced to the market, I mean, this "magnanimous" stretch of development in technology, almost everything is possible with just few strokes of our index finger (never mind the middle).

You're disconnected from wifi or run-out of data load? Here's some tips.

ai histr
Would imagine bots and android controlling us?
Do we have a choice to live our lives detached from them?

All the latest gadget and technologies for 2017.

Image result for sarahah app pic
If we could no longer secure our sensitive information from flooding the internet...... 
without our knowledge.

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This could have been the source, but no one dared to read.

Oh my, you broke the code! Congrats!

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