Sunday, October 22, 2017

Project Android 1: Utilizing Android technology for real-time information gathering

Author’s Note: This paper on Android for education in emergencies is written for Muslim Aid Philippines (MAPh), as a concept note to be submitted to Dubai Cares, International. Original concept, as presented herein is a “Malayang Juan Blogs” original piece. Final version of this post will be Dubai Cares or MAPh’ property. 

"Utilizing Android technology in gathering information on Education in Emergencies Initiatives in the Philippines”

Muslim Aid Philippines(MAPh) recognizes the need to establish a precise and time-bound data sources for education in emergency initiatives in the Philippines. As such, program implementors would need a data platform collection platform that will resonate the above need.

Topography, sources of internet and time constraints have been common variables for researchers and development workers whenever they are extracting data from field. Considering these challenges, program implementers must innovate, efficient, time-bound and cost effective modes of data collection which would facilitate the over-all implementation of a particular development project.

MAPh, would like to utilize of an android-based data collection and analysis tool to satisfy the above objective, as a support mechanism method for the traditional key-informant interview method for education in emergencies program implementors.

Project Android 1 (PA1) is a data collection project and data analysis of first hand and second hand information on the initiatives of various stakeholders in the Philippines. Data collection shall be done using mid-range to high-range Android phones which will be pre-installed with free versions of data-gathering apps from the Playstore.

For this purpose, MAPh will use the application KoBoCollect. This app is based on the OpenDataKit and is used for primary data collection in humanitarian emergencies and other challenging field environments. With this app enumerators enter data from interviews or other primary data — online or offline. There are no limits on the number of forms, questions, or submissions (including photos and other media) that can be saved on an android device. What is significant with this method is that program data managers can generate data and analysis in a matter of minute, once the data sent by field enumerators are “cleaned” and checked. (cleaning and checking of data is done instantaneously by the app upon submission).

Proposed Variables to be collected

MAPh believes that the information which will be gathered will be substantial in the conduct of evaluations, assessments and gap analyses of the education in emergencies programs in the Philippines, which eventually will inform the policies and practices of international and national decision makers, implementing agencies and other local stakeholders (teachers, parents, local government, civil society, etc.) involved in education in emergencies. Proposed information and variables which will be gathered through Project Android 1.


Muslim Aid Philippines (MAPh) intends to conduct a study on the practices of local and national initiatives on education in emergencies in selected geographical sites in Administrative Region of Muslim Mindanao (ARMM), Central Visayas and Region 4A. Particularly focused areas are the variables enumerated above.

This is a purposive survey to key stakeholders in the country who are already practising Education in Emergencies in various disaster and conflict-laden communities in the above geographical sites.

Muslim Aid Philippines will be employing multi-method approach for data gathering and analysis. Large amount of consideration is bent on the situation on the ground of the selected calamity-stricken or conflict stricken areas. MAPh will innovate methods and procedures on data gathering and surveys to gather all the information required for the study in the most immediate time frame and with the least resources used for the project.

Data Collection Approaches

The study will use qualitative and/or quantitative data collection approaches that are generally accepted in the social sciences; ensuring further that such approaches are justifiable in light of both the research question and purpose and the existing literature.

Specifically, MAPh will be compiling existing statistics and other forms of secondary data for analysis using quantitative techniques and collection of original data through structured interviews or surveys (i.e., Android-based surbey, mail, web, phone), experiments, and quasi-experiments for quantitative research; and,

Compiling of primary/secondary data for the purposes of comparative/historical research or content analysis and collection of data through questionnaires (i.e., self or group administered face-to-face, mail, web, phone), intensive unstructured or semi-structured interviews, focus groups, and/or observation (i.e., complete observation, mixed participation/observation, complete participation) for qualitative techniques.

Key Informant Interview (KII)

The research will employ key informant interviews (KII) with local and national level entities working on local education in emergencies on them prescribed geographical sites. Stakeholders for the project’s purpose will be limited to national and local government agencies, local government units, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and International NGOs (INGOs), local peoples’ organizations and other socio-civic organizations.

In the course of interviews, strong consideration will be given to the type and manner of interventions made to children with disabilities in the context of education and emergencies. The subject of the study consists of all children with disabilities who are residents of the focus research sites in the 3 identified regions (ARMM, Visayas Region, and Region 4A). Because of the large number of intended children with disability that are affected by disaster and conflict, a simple random sample of 50% will be chosen for the inclusion study. This resulted in a sample size of ______ children with disabilities in each of the given regional sites.
Instruments and Measures

MAPh shall ensure that qualitative and/or quantitative data collection activities (e.g., open-ended question formats, observational approaches), instruments, and/or measures that will be used from the standpoint of the existing literature.

Prior to the actual conduct of the study, MAPh will assure the reliability, validity, credibility, transferability of the data collection activities (e.g., open-ended question formats, observational approaches), instruments, and/or measures to be use prior to initiating data collection.

The end in mind for collecting the data is to present the data collection instruments and/or measures in a manner sufficient to allow full or partial replication of the study including a clear statement of any independent and dependent variables, concepts, or themes that will be/were explored/tested/discovered in the study, ie education interventions for cwds during disaster or conflict.

Data Analysis

From MAPh’ stand point, the use qualitative and/or quantitative data analysis techniques are well- accepted methods, however, use of the technique(s) must be grounded in a rationale and justifiable means, based on the study design of this proposed topic.

Data analysis techniques in the context of this proposal would include social network analysis, thematic mapping and spatial analysis using geographic information system (especially for mapping locations of CWDs in disaster or conflict areas), and statistical analysis.


The Philippine government, with its instrumentalities; particularly agencies on education, disaster response and social welfare already implements education in emergencies or manifestations of it. However, rehabilitation and calamity reports sponsored by government angecies seldomly includes initiatives on education in emergencies. Particularly, what dominates news on disaster and rehabilitation are the number of victims and physical rehabilitation efforts.

This study hypothesizes that despite the lack of information from media outfits, there are existing mechanisms employed for the education of children with disabilities during emergencies. The lack of reports and media projections may be attributed to the lack of first-hand information on education in emergency. The study also hypothesis that there is no clear medium where these information should be channelled and how this same information will be disseminated to the general public


MAPh recognizes the need to establish a precise and time-bound data sources for education in emergency initiatives in the Philippines. Furthermore, data gathered for education in emergency should likewise be disseminated to various media channels for the benefit of the population.

Specifically, this study would like to gather realtime data on emergency in education using key-informant interview (KII) and Android-based data gathering system. Both data collection platform should resonate the above objective of popularizing and sending the said information to the general public.

Study Methods

As has been briefly discussed, the proposed study will have two approaches for data collection. The first approach is key-informant interviews and the second one is the use of Android systems and applications for data gathering of salient information regarding the research study.
The first approach is the traditional key informant interviews (KII) with individuals who have first-hand knowledge on education in emergencies. This would include teachers who are engaged in conducting classes in refugee camps or _________
For the Android-based Data collection method, MAPh will be using mid-range to high-range Android phones. These gadgets will be pre-installed with free versions of data gathering apps from Google Playstore. For this purpose, MAPh will be using “KoBoCollect”. This app is based on the OpenDataKit framework and is used for primary data collection in humanitarian emergencies and other challenging field environments.

With the KoboCollect app, enumerators enter data from interviews or other primary data — online or offline. There are no limits on the number of forms, questions, or submissions (including photos and other media) that can be saved on an android device. What is significant with this method is that data managers can generate data and analysis in a matter of minute, once the data are sent by field enumerators and are “cleaned” and checked. (Cleaning and checking of data is done instantaneously by the app upon submission).
Study setting

The proposed study will be conducted in pre-selected communities in ARMM, Visasays Region and Region 4A who experience or are currently experiencing disaster or conflict and have children with disability clients. Specifically, the following communities will be under the study;
Study design

The study will use qualitative and/or quantitative data collection approaches that are generally accepted in the social sciences; ensuring further that such approaches are justifiable in light of both the research question and purpose and the existing literature.

Specifically, MAPh will be compiling existing statistics and other forms of secondary data for analysis using quantitative techniques and collection of original data through structured interviews or surveys (i.e., Android-based survey, mail, web, phone), experiments, and quasi-experiments for quantitative research; and,

Compiling of primary/secondary data for the purposes of comparative/historical research or content analysis and collection of data through questionnaires (i.e., self or group administered face-to-face, mail, web, phone), intensive unstructured or semi-structured interviews, focus groups, and/or observation (i.e., complete observation, mixed participation/observation, complete participation) for qualitative techniques.
Data collection

Android Based Data Collection and Analysis

MAPh would utilize android applications readily available in playstore. For this purpose, MAPh will be utilizing the application KoBoCollect. This app is based on the OpenDataKit and is used for primary data collection in humanitarian emergencies and other challenging field environments. With this app enumerators enter data from interviews or other primary data — online or offline. There are no limits on the number of forms, questions, or submissions (including photos and other media) that can be saved on an android device. What is significant with this method is that program data managers can generate data and analysis in a matter of minute, once the data sent by field enumerators are “cleaned” and checked. (cleaning and checking of data is done instantaneously by the app upon submission).

How does this app work?

Certainly, enumerators must have medium-range to high-range models of android phones (Samsung, Cherry Mobile, Oppo, Vivo etc. or any phone operating from gingerbread version. The higher the version, the better.)

MAPh’ personnel will develop a survey questionnaire (in excel or word format). Said questionnaire should be responsive and should satisfy the data requisitions of the project. MAPh will designate point person for the development and study of the said questionnaire prior to uploading.

Once the questionnaire is finalized, said document will be converted into a type of file which will be recognized by the Kobo app framework. This will then be uploaded to the Kobo app dashboard.

The next step to do is to activate the Kobo app (installed in each of the enuemrators phone) and make such app be recognized by the dedicated dashboard manager. With this, the dashboard manager will assign an exclusive password and username for each of the enuemrators in the field. With this strategy, no one could access the data being sent by enumerators, except for the enumerator himself/herself.

Once passwords and usernames are assigned to the enumerators, the same is ready for field survey.

Realtime data collection and Analysis

Once installation is done, and necessary briefings are conducted, enumerators are now ready to be deployed in specific research areas. All data submitted thorugh the app will then be sent to the specified dashboard as stated above. Upon reaching a pre-defined threshold, say 20% of the total population for the day, the application and the dashboard, upon command keys, will automatically generate real-time analysis of the data. Such entries may be edited for corrections, which may be requested by the interviewee or the interviewer, though text messaging, phone call or through messenger app. Graphs, tables and data presentations are generated in a matter of minute.
Time Frame

Application installation – 5 minutes

Demo and initial Coaching (pre-deployment) – 5 hours

Enumeration proper – approximately 20-30 respondents a day 

Data Analysis 1 (“uncleaned” data) – 15 seconds after data submission of atleast 5 enumerators

Data Analysis 2 (cleaned) – approx. 20 minutes after manual cleaning of data manager

Report Writing – 3 days

Data management

The project will hire a dedicated staff for data management. Such data which will be acquired from both the android survey and the KII will be stored in an online and offline data base system. The data base manager will ensure the veracity of the data, its completeness in form and substance prior to access of authorized personnel to be used in various reports. These data is however available to Dubai Cares should the latter decide to take ownership of the said raw data and processed data.
Proposed Communications Strategies

This communications and advocacy strategies will deliver the major objective of popularizing education in emergencies initiatives in the 3 proposed project sites, as per the reslts of the key informant interviews and the results of the android-based survey.
Development a “Marketing strategy on information dissemination for the said program
Measuring the awareness and impact of the project in the view of recipients and stakeholders using Android survey technology which can store data with or without the internet

This can be done through the realizations of the tasks enumerated below;
Develop a messaging platform

A messaging platform will be created and will include key messages to reach partner organizations, farmers, cooperatives etc. in the said program areas. The messages will be simple, benefit driven and resonate on an emotional level.

The language used in the messaging will be very basic, easy to understand and culturally sensitive. Materials will include images to help communicate to low literacy levels. The campaign’s call to action will focus on supporting existing and proposed Education in Emergencies program.
Develop campaign tools and resources

Make it easy for the target audience to obtain the information and tools necessary to appreciate and eventually support the project.

B.1. Campaign Social Media Sites i.e. FB and twitter

B.2. Mobile phone number hotline

B.3. Development, Reproduction and Dissemination of pamphlets, brochures, and other printed materials

B.4. Trusted third-party advocates – There are many organizations and individuals that have personal relationships with, and are trusted by, the campaign’s target audience.
Create a favorable environment and a sense of urgency

C.1. Solid Reach and Frequency: Ensure a strong reach and frequency for each advocacy medium (print, trainings, etc.) medium. Rationale: People are constantly bombarded with a lot of messages and traditionally rely on more than one medium for information. MAPh’ message should be placed in formats and outlets used by target audiences (cooperatives, farmers) in such a way to ensure we reach as many individuals as possible, as many times as possible for the least cost per person.

C.2. Third-Party Research Tools: Utilize research tools to evaluate the appropriate media formats and outlets for reaching the target audiences. Research will be conducted using an Android-Based enumeration and survey applications. This will ensure time-based, realtime processing of data which will support in planning and implementing the strategies for the campaign and advocacy.
Develop an Ethnic and Minority Media Strategy.

Develop a media outreach strategy targeting key ethnic and minority groups in the proposed sites to reach ethnic and minority farmers and cooperatives.
Develop a Press Kit. Press kit materials will include information about the campaign, such as a backgrounder, stock images, fact sheet articles, and video production. The materials will be made available on the campaign Facebook page and other social media accounts.
Hold a Press Event at Campaign Launch. Plan and implement a press event to launch the campaign to the designated areas for local print, broadcast and online media outlets.

You may reach us at for more inquiries or project partnerships. Or just hit a message below.



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This could have been the source, but no one dared to read.

Oh my, you broke the code! Congrats!

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